June 28th 2013, Moffett Field, CA
Location: Building 23, West Carnegie Mellon University, NASA Research park, Moffett Field, CA, USA
The report for the workshop can be found here. The slides for the keynote speech are also available.
This workshop on recent progress of control software certification was be held on June 28th. The focus was on formal verification and validation of code implementing control laws and running in a critical environment. It gathered experts in the fields of control and software analysis to exchange on the current status and future prospects regarding this issue.
Topics included but were not limited to:
- Floating point computations issues
- Automation of verification processes
- Scope of the properties expressed and expressiveness of annotation languages
- The interface between Control engineers and Software verification engineers.
- Domain specific abstract domains
Program committee:
- Pr. Eric Feron, Georgia Tech
- Dr. Arnaud Venet, NASA Ames / Carnegie Mellon University
- Dr. Pierre-Loïc Garoche, ONERA
- Dr. Marc Pantel, ENSEEIHT
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